De leukste verhalen, mooiste illustraties en redelijke service. Sinds 1979

Cinema Purgatorio: This Is Sinerama TP


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Cinema Purgatorio: This Is Sinerama TP

Cinema Purgatorio: This Is Sinerama TP, door Alan Moore en Kevin O’Neill.

Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill invite you take a trip through the darkrecesses of cinema, in their first major project together since League ofExtraordinary Gentlemen. The power of movies, the people behind it, the damageit has done, and the story of one woman forced to bare her soul, is allunspooled one short film at a time. Every chapter is radically different yetall weaved into one tapestry of breathtaking complexity as only Alan Moore coulddo. This collection has all eighteen chapters for the completestory.

Amerikaanse Uitgave | Trade Paperback | 168 pagina’s | Avatar Press | 9781592913343



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